Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Johnson Family 1840 & 1850 Federal Census, Mississippi

So either I got crazy enough or desperate enough to go through the entire 1840 and 1850 Federal Census for Itawamba County Mississippi hoping to get a picture and perhaps more clues for my elusive Sidney W. Johnson's family. 

Since I gathered the information, I might as well share it, right? 

Please note these are only for Districts 6 & 7 of Itawamba County.


D.S. Johnson
H.O. Johnson
Richard Johnson
William H. Johnson


Lewis Johnson, age 51, b. in South Carolina.
Thomas Johnson, age 56   b. in South Carolina.
James Johnson, age 35, b. in South Carolina.
***Sidney Johnson, age 33, b. in South Carolina.

Arthur Johnson, age 47,  b. in North Carolina.
Lindsey Johnson, age 53, b. in North Carolina.
Henry Johnson, age 35, b. in North Carolina.
Lewey Johnson, age 35, b. in North Carolina.
Richard Johnson, age 35, b. in North Carolina.
Jesse B. Johnson, age 32, b. in North Carolina.
Woodward Johnson, age 19, b. in North Carolina.

Jacob Johnson, age 49,   b. in Alabama.
*James Johnson, age 38, b. in Alabama.
*Robert Johnson, age 27, b. in Alabama.
Wm. W. Johnson, age 18, b. in Alabama.

Wm F. Johnson, age 45,   b. in Georgia.
Stephen Johnson, age 41, b. in Georgia.

And the oddballs...

Harry M. Johnson, age 32, b. in Kentucky. 
Larkin Johnson, age 21, b. in Tennessee.

I put stars by "my Sidney" in case of major brain fartage on my part because at my age you're never quite sure what you're going to forget and when you'll forget it.

The other two "stars" are those I "think" are related.  If I'm honest, I believe Sidney was born in Alabama.  The Robert that I "starred" has children with the same names (Ok initials too) as does Sidney and the James is living in the household directly above Robert. 

It might be nothing.  Nothing may match at all here.  But .. I tried AND I just shared with anyone out there who can perhaps benefit from this information.

Back digging I go.

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