Sunday, 25 July 2010

Polk McAlvain

Some of the Polk McAlvain Family of Kennedy, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory

NB: The following information is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. 

I suppose there have been as many stories concerning Polk McAlvain and his origins as there are descendants.  While genealogical curiosity is healthy, the stories that emerge from misinformation or conjecture can be a source of extreme frustration when researching an individual as many a family historian can attest.

With the desire to know more about this Choctaw Indian ancestor, I began researching him back in the early 1990's.  The longer I researched, the more questions presented themselves and it soon became clear that no one family member had the same answer to the things I asked.  As that was the case, I felt it best to follow only the documents which I found pertaining to him.  While certainly drawing my own conclusions on many things, without documentation, at best they could only be called supposition. 

The earliest records found to date with Polk's name on it are his Confederate Service Records.  He served in the 1st Choctaw/Chickasaw Mounted Rifles, 1st Brigade, Company K.

The next official recording of Polk was found to be an 1874 Census of Skullyville County, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory.  He was enumerated as "Polk McIvion, 1 Indian Male over 21 and Under 45."  Within his household was 1 Indian Female over 16 years.  No livestock or crops. 
(NB: Disparaging dates of birth seem to plague this family history.)

Looking at the year, I have always assumed the female to have been his first wife, Sinnie (Sinah) Perry with whom he had one daughter recorded by Polk in his day book, named Randy, born 14 February 1874.  Sadly both Sinnie and the little girl died.  There are family stories about them dying in a house fire.

Polk's second wife was Mary Choate.    Together they had
1.  Stonewall Jackson McAlvain
Born: 10 September 1877
Died: Labor Day, 1903

2.  Robert L. McAlvain
Born: 21 January 1879
Died:  1969

3.  Louis Riley McAlvain
Born: 19 April 1881
Died: 1930

Mary Choate's date of death is unknown to me.  However, she had obviously passed away before 1886 when Polk McAlvain married Louisa Bowers, daughter of John Bowers and Polly Majors.

Louisa Bowers was born 17 June 1863 in Grainger County, Tennessee.  Documents indicate that her father, John Bowers worked for Polk McAlvain sharecropping for a time, hence them being allowed to live in the Choctaw Nation.

Together Louisa and Polk had the following children:

1.  John Walter McAlvain
Born: 14 January 1883

2.  Charles McAlvain (died in infancy)
Born: 25 March 1885

3.  William Richard McAlvain
Born: 8 April 1887

4.  Thomas Jay McAlvain
Born: 8 December 1889

5.  Florence Alice McAlvain
Born:  22 March 1892

6.  David Warren McAlvain
Born:  20 August 1894

7.  Martha McAlvain
Born: 2 December 1896 (died in infancy)

8.  Audie Carl McAlvain
Born: 20 February 1898

9.  Lulabelle & Jewell McAlvain (twin girls - died in infancy)
Born: 10 August 1900

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